training of leading officials in shougang group -pg电子(中国)官方网站


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training of leading officials in shougang group

release time:2022-07-07 10:18:02

the shougang group talent development institute leading official training center deepens the implementation of the party’s organizational line in the new era, follows the requirements of shougang’s high-quality development for the construction of leading officials, adheres to the quality-oriented connotative development model, explores actively, innovates boldly, promotes the transformation from training to development, boosts the integration of training and talent development, and offers leading talent support for shougang to start a new journey for the next hundred years.

1. carefully creating excellent training and development projects with shougang characteristics, and strengthening the training of high-quality professional leading officials. in 2020, in order to focus on the echelon construction of leading officials in the l4/5 ranks of shougang, a training session for young and middle-aged leading officials was developed and held, with a training cycle of 21 months and 49 trainees, in order to cultivate a new generation of leading talents that can meet the future development needs of the group. as the first talent development project, its formulators thought outside the box of training and running classes, opened up the whole talent development chain of “selection, training, utilization and evaluation”, pioneered the development mode of “full cycle, four stages and progression” with shougang characteristics, embedded practical learning into leadership development projects for the first time, helped talents to improve through their work, combined training with practice and realized a series of innovations in training path, content, method, etc. with important milestone significance. second, in order to focus on the echelon construction of leading officials in the l6/7 ranks of the group, five special training classes for young officials were developed and held continuously to strengthen theoretical arming, exercise the party spirit and enhance the leadership. from 2016 to 2021, 358 outstanding young officials were trained, forming the normalization mechanism of young official training and vigorously boosting the construction of multi-skilled, practical and outgoing leading officials for the group. third, in order to adhere closely to the group’s strategy and business needs, and help the leading officials to improve their political quality and performance ability, a number of programs were developed and held, including special training on party history study and education, online learning for grassroots leading officials, performance ability improvement training for directors, work training for the board of supervisors and so on.

2. continuing to promote the construction of the leading officials’ training system and building a solid foundation their training. first, a classified and categorized leading officials’ training program system was set up according to leadership tier. after years of construction, the vertical stratification from high-level to middle-level and grass-roots level, and the project system covering high-end training, high-potential development, continuing education and skills upgrading, were gradually formed, thereby focusing on the key points, covering all employees and achieving classification and categorization. second, a course system integrating characteristic courses, universal theory and capability training was constructed on the basis of the needs of the group’s strategy implementation and organizational ability improvement. since 2016, shougang has organized its full-time and part-time teachers to develop 130 proprietary courses and 12 micro classes, including “situations and tasks of shougang’s reform and development, and new requirements for leading officials”, “maintaining strategic focus, continuing to deepen reform and boosting the high-quality development of shougang”, “comparing with the first-class, promoting lean management and comprehensively improving total factor productivity”, “enhancing vitality and competitiveness to achieve the high-quality development of the iron and steel industry”, “three-year action plan of new shougang high-end industrial comprehensive service area and progress of park development and construction”, “concept and process of action learning”, etc. third, high-level first-class teachers were cultivated to boost the construction of shougang’s full-time and part-time teachers of shougang. since 2016, deep cooperation with the group headquarters, grassroots units, prestigious colleges and universities, and training institutions has been carried out to select high-quality teachers for instruction and guidance. to continue to consolidate the system of leading officials’ mounting the platform, 103 leading officials at all levels and experts were invited every time for teaching and communication in order to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of training, and promote the precipitation and sharing of organizational knowledge.

3. systematically extracting the experience and practices of training leading officials, and giving full play to the demonstration and leading role of the group. first, with the summary and extraction of policies and paths for training young leading officials, such achievements as “innovation and practice of training young leading officials in large state-owned enterprises” were formed, and the second prize of the beijing enterprise management modernization innovation achievements and first prize of the 20th shougang management innovation achievements were won. second, providing enterprise development with echeloned talent support was realized by creating a special training brand for young leading officials in shougang and guiding and supporting shougang jingtang iron and steel integrated co., ltd., beijing shougang co., ltd. and other units to continue to hold special training classes with different characteristics. third, according to the construction requirements of the leading officials of grass-roots units, various classes for senior executive training, qualification training for leading officials, lecture hall of leading officials, etc. were developed and held in order to realize the full coverage of leading officials, and these measures subsequently earned high recognition in terms of school running results.

for the future training of leading officials, the shougang group will follow the requirements of its “14th five-year plan” development program, enhance the construction of the training and development system for leading officials, create brand projects and excellent courses, and extract and precipitate knowledge and achievements on the basis of the three-year work plan for strengthening the construction of leading groups and officials at all levels in shougang (2021–2023) so as to support the group in achieving high-quality development.

zhang gongyan, party committee secretary and chairman of the group,
offers the “first class”

   zhao minge, general manager of the group,
gives lectures and communicates with students

opening ceremony of the special training class of young leading officials of shougang

launch meeting of the on-the-job training class for young and middle-aged leading officials of shougang

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