shougang suzhou processing center sets record-pg电子(中国)官方网站


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shougang suzhou processing center sets record-high processing volume of 1,300 silicon steel line

release time:2024-08-02 13:47:57

since the beginning of this year, the shougang suzhou processing center has thoroughly implemented the strategy of “one guidance and two integrations”, targeting the annual goals and tasks, and giving full play to the leading role of technological innovation and the supporting role of the “two integrations”. the center has led cadres and employees to seize opportunities, explore the market, cultivate momentum, and open up new prospects with high morale, continuously promoting the internal driving force to improve quality and efficiency.

technology leads to dual promotion, accelerating the development of shougang. along with the rapid growth in demand from users in the new energy industry in east china, the shougang suzhou processing center has focused on promoting its product advantages and core competitiveness in accordance with the requirements of the marketing center party committee and combining the upgrading and transformation of processing equipment with the enterprise’s inherent demand for high-quality development. in october last year, shougang’s first wholly-owned 1,300 high-precision silicon steel slitting line in east china was completed and put into operation at the shougang suzhou processing center. demonstrating their sense of responsibility and bravery under pressure, the front-line workers of the processing center fulfilled their mission and seized every minute and second. the new equipment achieved a remarkable monthly production capacity of 3,488 tons since being launched for just half a year, exceeding the average monthly designed capacity of the production line. the dual promotion of “efficiency quality” has been unanimously praised by end-users, not only showcasing the “hard power” of high-quality development at the shougang suzhou processing center, but also “accelerating” the pace of shougang’s silicon steel seizing the market in east china. the total processing volume had reached 17,000 tons as of the end of may.

focusing on product iteration, the center excels in market development and service extension. the iteration and upgrading of products are a leverage to seize market opportunities. adhering to the principle of “identify new issues in the market and implementing ideas on the site”, the shougang suzhou processing center focuses on the new energy market. by closely tracking changing market trends and deeply exploring potential customer needs, the center has achieved remarkable results in market development by making steady and gradual progress. it has completed tests in all thickness specifications for motor casing users and is about to start small-batch procurement and processing and distribution services. the new energy storage battery case project has entered the phase of stamping tests. the tin-plated products from the jingtang base have been applied in the automotive industry and achieved small-batch orders, creating broad prospects for the multi-purpose application of tin-plated products. taking technological innovation in the silicon steel laboratory as a lever, the shougang suzhou processing center has simultaneously developed end-user channels. a large number of high-quality domestic and foreign silicon steel users have collaborated on projects with the laboratory, and the processing center provides a “one-stop” service for the procurement, processing, and distribution of products from the laboratory to end-users, striving to meet customers’ advanced steel requirements and forming a sound pattern of “early technical involvement and presence in multiple markets”.

adhering to the “four focuses”, the center promotes in-depth and practical refined management. the shougang suzhou processing center insists on the deep integration of technological innovation and management innovation, and emphasizes promoting standardized and normalized management. focusing on increasing efficiency, opening sources and creating revenue, the center enhances the awareness of all staff to create revenue, implements the responsibility of all staff to create revenue, meticulously reviews ideological concepts, systems, measures, and management behaviors, and removes all obstacles that hinder the creation of revenue. focusing on improving efficiency and stimulating management vitality, the center decomposes the annual task indicators, implements management responsibilities, improves resource allocation efficiency and total factor productivity, and supports balanced production and winning through speed at the front line. focusing on cost reduction and strictly controlling expenses, the center guides all staff to establish the mindset of “leading a thrifty life”, adheres to the principle of being practical and frugal, further strengthens management in such aspects as production and operation, cost management and control, fund use, etc., reduces all costs that can be reduced, strictly controls all unnecessary expenditure, and ensures that every penny of the enterprise is carefully calculated and used where it should be used. focusing on risk prevention and strengthening the foundation for development, the center incorporates compliance management system requirements into its business processes, strengthens system amendments, and enhances risk prevention in key areas and matters, providing important guarantees for its safe, efficient, and stable operation.

those who are united and diligently and steadfastly pursue their goals can win. the shougang suzhou processing center will always maintain a sense of urgency, steadfastly follow the practical path of “one guidance and two integrations”, comprehensively increase the market share of shougang’s products in east china, continuously meet the personalized needs of end-users, and give full play to its role as a “bridgehead” at the forefront of the market, making shougang’s golden brand of “manufacturing services” even brighter and more substantial.

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